More Mediators Trained in Fort Portal
A participant receiving a certificate from Hon. Justice Mugabo at the mediation training
On Tuesday June 14,2022 the Mediation Registry concluded a two-day training on Alternative Dispute Resolution. The Training that took place at Kalya Courts Hotel in Fort Portal Tourism City was attended by 30 participants drawn from judicial officers from the region, religious leaders and reputable local leaders.
In his opening remarks, Hon. Justice Vincent Emmy Mugabo, the Senior Resident Judge Fort Portal, reminded the participants of the responsibility they were assuming after training and upon accreditation as Court annexed Mediators.
"Although you are not going to do the work of judges or magistrates to decide cases, as mediators you will do much in helping to resolve disputes hence reducing on cases that would be channeled to court for litigation" he said.
Hon. Justice Mugabo took the participants through a number of topics which included conflict resolution, dynamics of conflicts, relationships, values and mediation rules among others, whereas HW Elias Kisawuzi handled the mediation process, styles of mediation, communication roles of a mediators, skills, language and common mistakes of mediators.
In his closing remarks, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner - Fort Portal, Mr. Bwire Ogalo Paul appreciated the Judiciary for promoting mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism.
At the end of the training, participants were awarded with certificates awaiting accreditation as court mediators. The workshop was moderated by HW Dr. Agnes Nkonge, together with HW Dr. Daniel Lubowa.
Posted 14th, June 2022